Monday, May 13, 2013

Message in Poems

Snippets from the Sabbath message I heard May 12, 2013 turned into a poem...

Everyone has a hole inside them
Every difference what you fill it with 

Not a setback to him
The guards of the palace 
In their weary shifts 
Heard tale of this legend: 
Love and a King of it 
From this prisoner who believed in it
A place for anointing 
New knights

And what does it matter! 
Some 'knights' connive as liars
Spread pure waters for dark design-
Yet our King and Country is spread
And such is our battle cry! 

"Who am I?"
Is it "Daughter of Christ?" 
Or indifferent lie? 
"Singer. Athlete. Classy." 
You are "Lonely." 
And you lie. 
And were a cell to sever everything
You'd be left with nothing. 

But if He is Love 
And love is here-
Who are you now?
What do you fear? 

-Sermon from Philippians 1
{Photo via Pinterest}


ee said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! It means a lot to me. Nothing soothes a heart more than knowing someone out there understands.

Rachel Danielle said...

Certainly, Essie! I agree that there's nothing quite like just knowing that somebody understands! Have a blessed day.


Rissi said...

Nicely said, Rachel. :) Love this photo also - so pretty and airy.

Thanks for dropping by today. Always means a lot when you add your opinion to the voices of commenters. :)

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful, Rachel! Philippians is a lovely book, but so are all the rest :]
My heart is fearful and condemns me often too, but God is strong and faithful!
