*Writing an epic novel.
*Ending world hunger.
*Riding a horse. In a field.
*Reading a book, on this bench, by this water.
*Generally, doing anything but school.
In the least, that is what I tell myself, but then when I do not have school, my day hardly looks anything like this (save the epic novel part, for I hardly let a day get by without writing). So... why not? Why don't I do all those things that I chant to myself, "I'd be doing that if I wasn't here," and then when I'm not here-- I typically sleep the day away?
Just a thought for you.
Bashing the school blues:
*Grab a minute outside or in a corner of the library with God's word (BEST part of my Monday)
*Talk to God in that minute outside or in the library.
*Eat something energy giving, granola, fruit. Enjoy a refreshing bottle of ice water.
*Bash the negativity. I'm still working on this in algebra. I'm certain there's some redeeming quality. Somewhere.
*Take a minute to write a thanks list. Ten things you're thankful to God for. Like education, which others don't have. Like a campus with bright lights and great resources. Like money for clothes and school supplies. Like food. Like the opportunity to learn what all great minds have. Ready. Go!
Back to algebra. Pray for my soul.